German Shepherd Rescue
New South Wales

Join Our Pack of Passionate Volunteers
Make a Difference in the Lives of German Shepherds

Assessments and Transportation

At German Shepherd Rescue New South Wales, the safety of our dedicated volunteers is of utmost importance.  We are committed to ensuring that no one is placed in an unsafe environment.

Although we may not always have complete background information on our dogs, we prioritise seeking volunteers with relevant experience.

German Shepherds have unique needs specific to their breed, and experienced individuals can accurately anticipate a dog’s behaviour, providing a comfortable and secure environment for both themselves and the dog.  For roles involving dog assessment and transportation, we are seeking volunteers with specific skills:

If you feel that now is not the right time for you to volunteer with us we extend our sincere gratitude for considering volunteering with German Shepherd Rescue New South Wales.

Social Media

Do you love Social Media?  

We are looking for someone to help us with our Social Media presence.

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